Le Présent imparfait...

(5/10/08, MTL, Ezra Soiferman)
When the grid gets zapped we’ll have a laugh
Computer’s gone and won’t come back
All I see are screens gone black
When the grid gets zapped we’ll have a laugh
When the skies from smog have all turned brown
Choking life across this town
All I see are greedy clowns
When the skies from smog have all turned brown
Forgotten future, redundant past
The present tense, the only path
The present tense, the only path
Now the rice fields rise in price and water
Bodies strewn across the gutter
All I saw was danger, mother
Now the rice fields rise in price and water
Are the hardest times now behind us?
Or ’m I just blessed with hopeful trust
Join me now as I hop this bus
Are the hardest times now behind us?
Forgotten future, redundant past
The present tense, the only path
The present tense, the only path
A universe that heals
A scar that asks, “what pain?”
Dream, don’t scream forever
We’ll find our way again
The present tense remains
We’ll find our way again
Forgotten future, redundant past
The present tense, the only path
The present tense, the only path